Since 1st December 2019 Aquam Water Services has been handling all applications for the hire of temporary water standpipes for use within the ICOSA Water network.

Our contact details are:

01626 241399


Unit H, The Minerva Building, Minerva Way, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4PJ​

Our team are on hand to assist both new and existing customers with the standpipe application process and ensure that you receive your metered standpipe quickly and efficiently.

Please note that only approved standpipes obtained through ourselves may be used within the ICOSA Water network and the use of any other equipment will neither be compliant nor legal and could result in prosecution.

If you witness an unapproved standpipe being used please report it to us either directly to the depot or via a link on this page. All reports are treated in the strictest confidence.

Standpipe Applications

If you would like to process a standpipe application or receive a quote, please complete the below application form and a copy of your application/quote will be emailed to you and the depot for processing.

Please be aware that you must have an account with us to be able to place an order.

If you don’t currently have an account, please complete our Credit Account Application via the link on this page.

Standard Charges

22mm Metered Standpipe Rental - £37.50 per week

  • £580 6 monthly pre-payment
  • £999 Annual pre-payment

40mm Metered Standpipe Rental £61.50 per week

  • £770 6 monthly pre-payment
  • £1,350 Annual pre-payment

Water Usage - £1.80 per cubic metre
(all prices exclude V.A.T)

Delivery & Collection

We will deliver standpipes as soon as we can anywhere within the ICOSA Water network at a cost of £35 plus vat, alternatively customers may prefer to collect from their nearest available depot.

Please note you will need to contact the Office prior to your requested collection date to arrange the Off‑hire.

Meter Readings

All our standpipes are now supplied with smart meters that allow us to obtain meter readings remotely. On occasions we will request a meter reading from you and this can be supplied to us by:

Phone – 01626 241399

E-Mail – icosa@aquamcorp.co.uk

Customers may also use the Meter Readings Form on this webpage.

Hydrant Use

22mm and 40mm Approved Standpipes are only permitted to be used on wash-out hydrants in the ICOSA Water region

The use of Fire Hydrants is strictly prohibited unless prior permission has been given by ICOSA Water.

ICOSA Water standpipes are only permitted to be used on hydrants in the ICOSA Water region, if you require a standpipe out of this area, please locate the correct water company via our interactive map and contact the relevant depot.

If you require any further assistance please don’t hesitant to contact us.

Standpipe Application Form

Your application has been submitted and will now be processed.

A confirmation message has been sent to your email address.

Note: You may have to check your email junk folder.

Thank you, we'll be in contact again shortly!

Select 'Yes' if you do not currently have a Credit Acount with Aquam.
Water usage is charged on a monthly basis and requires a credit account to be opened.
Your account no. can be found on any invoice from Aquam.
Billing Address
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If you prefer to use a paper form, download our applicaton form below:

Aquam Water Services are proud to have achieved the following accreditations.

Quality Policy | Environmental Policy |
 Modern Slavery Policy
Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Equal Opportunity Policy
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