Report Hydrant Misuse


If you need to connect to the Water main network for any of the water companies supplied by Aquam, the only standpipes permitted for use are those supplied by Aquam Water Services Ltd.

These authorised standpipes are fitted with double check valves to prevent backflow, and a meter to record water usage.

It is a criminal offence contrary to section 174 (3) of the Water Industry Act to connect any unauthorised equipment to the network and Water Companies are actively prosecuting unauthorised and illegal use. Conviction in court results in companies facing fines and legal costs.

Unauthorised connections pose risks to the network:

  • Contamination - Equipment used that is not supplied by us is not audited or stored to our standards and therefore may cause contamination to the clean water network.
  • Double Check Valve – Approved standpipes are fitted with a double check valve (DCV) which stops back flow of dirty water into the network.
  • Pressure issues/loss of supply – Equipment incorrectly operated and installed can cause pressure and loss of supply to customers on the network.
  • Leakage – When an unauthorised standpipe is used to take water from the network, water companies will not be aware of the consumption and therefore water taken is categorised as leakage. The water industry is governed by Ofwat and companies can be fined for missing leakage targets. The water extracted from an unauthorised standpipe is classed as leakage and is being taken without the consent of the Water Company.
  • Health and Safety –The mains deliver water at high pressure and if unauthorised equipment is not fit for purpose or installed without sufficient training, the connection could break free and cause serious injury
  • Asset Damage – Aquam offer a training package, Calm Network Training and this is designed to educate the user on how to make the standpipe connection without risk to the operative and without damaging our asset.

In order to access water from the network, of the water companies supplied by Aquam you must source sufficient authorised standpipes from Aquam Water Services Ltd.

Have you seen someone filling up their tanker, vehicle or lorry with a pipe from a hydrant directly that you think shouldn’t be?

Use the form below to report any potentially illegal operations. Reports are sent to the relevant water company depot for review & further action if appropriate.

Your Email
Your Name

If you have any video footage, please email these to, referencing the incident.

Aquam Water Services are proud to have achieved the following accreditations.