Dŵr Cymru - Welsh Water

​Aquam Water Services handle all applications for the hire of temporary water standpipes for use within the Welsh Water network.

Our contact details are:

01792 346557


Dŵr Cymru - Welsh Water
c/o Welsh Water, Players Industrial Estate, Clydach, Swansea SA6 5BQ

Our team will be on hand to assist both new and existing customers with the standpipe application process and ensure that you receive your new metered standpipe quickly and efficiently.

Please note that only standpipes obtained through ourselves may be used within the Welsh Water network and the use of any other equipment will neither be compliant nor legal and could result in prosecution.

Standard Charges

22mm Metered Standpipe Rental - £37.00 per week

40mm Metered Standpipe Rental - £95.00 per week

6 month or annual hire contracts are also available;

Water Usage - £1.4661 per cubic metre
(all prices exclude V.A.T)

Delivery & Collection

We are able to deliver standpipes within 1 working day anywhere within the network (delivery cost will be quoted) alternatively customers may prefer to collect from their nearest available distribution point.

Please note you will need to contact the Office prior to your requested collection date to arrange the Off‑hire.

Hydrant Use

22mm Approved Standpipes are only permitted to be used on wash-out hydrants in the Welsh Water region.

40mm Approved Standpipes and Bayard meters are only permitted to be used on hydrants on the Approved Hydrants List for 40mm Standpipes, which is available via the link on this page. Approval from Welsh Water is also required prior to hiring a 40mm standpipe.

Welsh Water standpipes are only permitted to be used on hydrants in the Welsh Water region, if you require a standpipe out of this area, please locate the correct water company via our interactive map and contact the relevant depot.

If you require any further assistance please don’t hesitant to contact us.

Calm Network Training

Prior to using a standpipe on the Welsh Water Network, our free E-learning Calm Network Course is required to be completed. It consists of a 20 minute video presentation followed by a 15 question multiple choice questionnaire.

It is vital that the training is completed by the user when using the standpipe to ensure the network is not compromised in any way, and the metered standpipe operates correctly.

A link to the training and a coupon code will be provided on receipt of the standpipe application.

Meter Readings

Customers are required to provide a meter reading on a monthly basis. This can be supplied to us by:

Phone – 01792 346557

E-Mail – welshwater@aquamcorp.co.uk

Standpipe Application Form

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If you prefer to use a paper form, download our applicaton form below:

Aquam Water Services are proud to have achieved the following accreditations.